Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II. II. 391 (Magl. XXXV. 180), 15th century.


151 ff., paper, 290 x 200 mm.

Domenico Pezzini (2005) has shown that the selection of Revelations in this manuscript in many ways corresponds to that of the print edition Incomenciano certi capitoli (Mondovì, 1518).

  • 15th century.
  • The Birgittine monastery of Santa Maria del Paradiso in Florence. The scribe Antonius appears three times in the manuscript (twice on f. 131v and on f. 150v), but there were at least one or two other scribes. The manuscript was later owned by Senator Carlo di Tommaso Strozzi (1587–1670) and kept in the Biblioteca Strozzi. A later reader has corrected the Italian in respect to the Latin.

    Link to scribe(s):

Miriello, Rosanna. 2007. I manoscritti del Monastero del Paradiso di Firenze. (Biblioteche e archivi 16.) Florence, pp. 70–71.

Pezzini, Domenico. 2005. The Prophetic Voice in St Birgitta's Revelations: An Analysis of Incominciano certi capitoli, a Late Fifteenth Century Italian Compilation. MS Florence, Bibl. Naz. Centrale II, II, 391. Aevum anno 79, Fasc. 3 (Settembre–Dicembre 2005), pp. 591–614.

Pezzini, Domenico. 2008. The Translation of Religious Texts in the Middle Ages: Tracts and Rules, Hymns and Saints' Lives. New York: Lang, pp. 167–196.