Birgitta of Sweden (1303–1373) was one of the most prolific religious visionaries of her time, with an impact on literature, art and religious thought that extended well into the Renaissance and beyond.

This database maps the Italian and Latin manuscripts and early print editions of Birgitta’s revelations and minor works in Italy, as well as any writings concerning the canonization process and her life and miracles. The interactive map shows where in Italy the manuscripts are to be found and where the printed books were first published, as well as where these prints can be read today. There are also descriptions about her works, as well as short biographies of writers and intellectuals connected to or influenced by Birgitta.

The database is part of the international research project The Legacy of Birgitta of Sweden: Women, Politics and Reform in Renaissance Italy, funded by the Research Council of Norway (2018–2021).


See the following links for more on Birgitta of Sweden, the likely oldest manuscript of her Revelations and where the early print editions can be found, such as Onus mundi, printed in 1485. Database entries on her works and the different manuscripts and printed books often include the texts embedded on the website. The interactive map shows both the current locations of manuscripts and printed books, as well as the places of publication of the latter. Information on the manuscripts' places of origin – often less easily identified – can be read on the page on Original Locations.