Cantus sororum


Cantus sororum (Ordo cantus sororum ordinis Sancti Salvatoris) is the liturgy of the Birgittine sisters, which Petrus of Skänninge undertook before the death of St. Birgitta. Included in the liturgy is the Sermo angelicus as well as 27 hymns written by Petrus himself.

Nicolaus Ragvaldi made a translation of the work in Old Swedish, Jungfru Marie örtagård, sometime after his entrance 1476 into Vadstena monastery.


Geete, Robert (ed.). 1895. Jungfru Marie örtagård. Vadstenanunnornas veckoritual i svensk öfversättning från år 1510. Efter den enda kända handskriften med tillfogande af latinska originaltexten samt inledning. (SFSS, fascicles 107 & 109.) Stockholm: Norstedts, pp. 209–267.


Dreves, Guido Maria & Blume, Clemens. 1886. Analecta hymnica medii aevi. Vol. 48. Leipzig: R. Reisland. 362–388 (pp. 410–420).